
Mauryn Turns 11 Months Today

Oh sweet baby girl, I can hardly believe you are almost a year old. Where has the time gone?? It seems like only yesterday we were anxiously awaiting your birth. Now here you are crawling, climbing, babbling, making faces, and getting so very independent. I love watching you grow and see your personality develop. You have started to make lots of funny faces and you crack yourself up - which makes us all smile and laugh. You bring sunshine and joy to each day. I feel so blessed to have you for my daughter and I am thankful to God each day for you. I love you baby girl!
Mauryn definitely had something to say!
Mauryn loves "talking" on the phone.

Mauryn's getting ready to dance!

Here is a little clip of our dancing girl:


Sarah Markley said...

I love the photo at the top! Very cute picture of the whole family (its hard to come by); and happy 11 months to Mauryn. Her name is so unique and pretty! Thanks for all of your encouraging comments on my blog!=)

Kristen said...

Thanks Sarah! I am waiting for her first birthday to blog about her name - we get quite a few comments on it! You are an encouragement to me so if I have a few words to share then I am glad!