it worked well for most of last spring but i knew i wanted to make some changes before school started this year.
one of the changes i wanted to make was adding some book shelves. when i saw this idea for using ikea spice racks as book shelves i knew this would be perfect.
since we don't have an ikea close by and i didn't want to pay shipping i begged pleaded bribed asked lance's sister if she would make a pit stop at ikea and bring me a few spice racks.
i started with a few ikea spice racks,
some colorful paint from home depot {i love the little sample size containers},
and had three new book shelves.
since the spice racks are such an inexpensive book shelf, i had lance's sister bring me a few extra to paint for the kids' bedrooms. i am always finding books laying on their floor or under their beds from reading at bedtime. lance mounted the spice racks next to their beds and they are now the perfect spot for their bedtime reading books.
i made a few other changes to our school room.
we added two white boards and a bulletin board that the kids can use for their school work or i can use for instruction.
i changed workboxes for landon and mauryn. i am so excited to use the new system once we get our school year underway. i think it will be perfect for my needshelptofocus son.
i am loving the color of the bookshelves that match the color of our workboxes. it will be nice to have school in a room filled with bright colors and that is more organized.

this looks GREAT. totally makes me wish i had to start school in the fall.
in your classroom. :)
This makes the teacher in me so happy!
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