
Mom Interview

since we homeschool, my kid don't come home from school with cards and projects they made in their classroom for mother's day.  i am totally okay with that fact.  but as i was searching around the internet i found some cute interviews for kids to fill out about their moms.  i decided to give my kids an interview about me, just for fun and to save for a good laugh in the future.  i wanted to remember what their image of their mom was at 11, 7, and 4.

1. i like when my mom....

 mauryn: paints my nails 
 landon: gives me food 
 morgan: takes me shopping

2. my mom likes to relax by .... 

mauryn: doing Jillian {not what i would call relaxing}
landon: sleeping
morgan: reading and playing words with friends

3. the best thing my mom cooks is......... 

mauryn: grilled cheese
landon: scotcheroo bars
morgan: everything 

4.  what does your mom do for fun......... 

mauryn: watch TV
landon: play games like words with friends
morgan: goes to the movies, sews

5.  what is your moms favorite thing to do with you....... 

mauryn: take a nap with me
landon: go shopping
morgan: go shopping

6. what is the one thing she says to you most often......... 

mauryn: don't do that
landon: i love you
morgan: clean your room

7.  her favorite TV show is ...... 

mauryn: bad shows {her way of saying no kid friendly}
landon: glee {funny since i rarely watch it anymore but i do love the music}
morgan: criminal minds

8. what is your moms favorite food, drink, dessert.....

mauryn: ww mac and cheese, water, ww ice cream bars
landon: bubble pizza, soda, ww ice cream bars
morgan: chocolate chip cookies, diet dr pepper cherry, chocolate chip cookies

9.  what does your mom do during the day..... 

mauryn: teach school
landon: sew {i wish}
morgan: clean, teach, drive me to gym, play words with f
riends {their might need to be a words with 
friends intervention}

10.  my mom likes to wear.....

 mauryn: sweats
 landon: sweats
 morgan: sweats and my clogs {i think i might need to join in with lindsey on wiww}

11. the best thing she does is......... 

mauryn: makes us good food
landon: reads me books
morgan: cooks, sews

12.  it makes her happy when........ 

mauryn: we clean up
landon: i hug her
morgan: i have a clean room

13.  when she shops she buys........

 mauryn: food
 landon: food
 morgan: food {i lead a glamorous life}

14.  if she could go on a trip she would go....... 

mauryn: california to see denise and go to disneyland {guess where someone wants to go for her 5th birthday}
landon: to visit denise
morgan: to see denise {can you tell we are leaving in less 
than two weeks for ca for maycation, definitely 
on everyone's mind}
15.  i love my mom because..... 

mauryn: she makes me food everyday and if i didn't have food i would die
landon: she loves me
morgan: she's nice, she's my teacher , she's my mom

i am so blessed to me to mama to these three crazy kiddos!


Denise said...

well, i don't have to tell you how VERY VERY HAPPY #14 made me!!!

#8. chocolate chip cookies stated twice in the same sentence!

21 days till i get chocolate chip cookies & kristen!!!

i wonder what my kids answers would be??

Simply Sara said...

oh how i loved reading this.
i'm so stealing it.

and i think you need to start talking up canada to your kids....

Janelle said...

We're goin to Branson.

We're goin to Branson.

We're going to Branson to put on a show.

Hee Haw.

Who needs SoCal when Branson is the entertainment capital of the WORLD?

There better not be any Words with Friends interventions. That's all I'm sayin.

Love what your kids said about you!!

Alana said...

This is hilarious! I love the what does she wear question! My kids would probably say yoga pants! Haha!

Lynn said...

I LOVE THIS!!! What a sweet post. I did download the "words with friends" app, but I've yet to explore it...