Mauryn's First Spin the Gator
Last year Landon got a John Deere Gator. He loves to drive his gator on our back path, to the neighbors, and in the backyard to help his dad with yard work. There are not many days that go by that Landon is not on his gator, especially since he learned how to make it go very fast! Every day since Mauryn came home from the hospital, Landon has been asking when he can give her a ride. He had it all planned out, how he could put her car seat in the back and drive her around. I have kept putting him off telling him Mauryn would have to be bigger to get a ride. Then about a week ago, we were going down to our friends/neighbors for dinner. It was a beautiful night so we were going to walk and take the wagon. Landon wanted to drive his gator and carry all our stuff in the back end. By the time I came out of the house, Lance had Mauryn buckled in (plus the diaper bag strap around her). I was thinking Landon would drive the gator and I would take Mauryn in the stroller. I wasn't sure how it would go but Landon was just radiating excitement so off we went down the street. The only sounds we could hear were Mauryn and Landon just laughing and giggling. Landon was so proud and thrilled to finally give his baby a ride.
That's so sweet! What a loving little guy he is. Pretty soon she'll be wanting him to give her a ride, along with all of her dollies and stuffed animals! =)
Very cute!! Landon looks like he's a great big brother!!
I like the thankful list that you have going too. Coldstone ice cream is the best!
Is Summer after Sunrise? I started reading the books a little over a year best friend had been trying to get me to read them forever. I finally did, and couldn't put them down- I read through the Redemption series, the Fame series (is that right?), and couldn't wait to start the next. Then I had Allie. I think I've been reading Sunrise for 9 1/2 months now. :)
I like Nicholas Sparks, too. Did you ever read 'Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas'? That's an emotional book that touched a chord with me, being a mom. Very moving.
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