at the end of february, morgan and i flew up to northern idaho for a gymnastics meet. {yes, i am that far behind on some posts and i am hoping to catch up this week!}
this is the meet the girls look forward to all year long.
over the years it has turned into a mother/daughter weekend. it is never restful but it is always so much fun.
the morning we left spokane had received 12 inches of snow. we flew into a winter wonderland with chilly windy temperatures. someone may have forgotten her coat in the car. i guess that's what happens when you are out of the habit of wearing a coat in the winter.
our first stop after we left the airport was the mall. the girls were anxious to shop and with the weekend being quite full we weren't sure we would get their any other day.
we spent friday at the meet watching the upper levels compete. as we were waiting to get into the meet we saw former olympic gymnast mohini bhardwaj. the girls were excited to meet her and get their picture taken with her. she is adorable.
in between sessions we lunched at the hotel right on lake coeur d'alene.
on friday evening most of the team and the coaches went out to dinner. it was nice to be together as a group that night. coach eduard was a great sport as the girls dressed him up after dinner.
morgan competed on saturday morning. we were up fairly early to make sure the girls had enough time to eat and get ready. we had two moms who did hair and make up for the weekend. the girls loved being all "bedazzled". when i uploaded pictures i think morgan had taken 20 self portraits {some with friends} so i am thinking she liked her hair and make up. it was a bit of a rough meet for morgan on beam but the rest of the events went pretty well.
after the meet and awards we grabbed a quick lunch as the girls needed to get back to the hotel to catch the boat for an ice cream social. during the ice cream social the girls get to meet some former olympic gymnasts, get autographs, and indulge in an ice cream sundae.
it was a little chilly on the boat that day.
we spent saturday night watching the big show. the top girls on each event from level 8, 9, and 10 compete. it is always impressive and the girls love it.
on sunday we flew home exhausted and fighting colds but it was worth it. the girls are already looking forward to the meet next year.
sounds like you had a wonderful time.
lucky girl.
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