i love love love my iphone.
one of things i love most about it is the camera.
when i don't have my little point and shoot with me i use my phone and get decent pictures. i often times use my camera over my point and shoot. it is sometimes easier.
here's a little look at life from my phone over the past week or so:
* the kids sang in church on palm sunday. little sassy ready to go practicing her song in the car on the way to church
* it was sunglasses and tie night at awanas. my boy used his nerf dart tag glasses instead of sunglasses because they looked "cooler"
* when mauryn had her tonsils and adenoids out they gave her sherbet in the hospital. since then she has been a fan. the last time the schwan's man came i got some of the sherbet push ups. she loves them.
* i am loving the combo of gray and purple this spring. when i saw lindsey's plum colored ruffled scarf i knew i needed to get it. i love it!
* landon decided to build a ship in our entry way on the tile. he and mauryn enjoyed taking many "trips" throughout the day
* mauryn is itty bitty, not yet 30 pounds at 4 years old. getting her to eat is sometimes a struggle. whatever we make for dinner is what she gets but for lunch and breakfast when we don't have a family meal and the kids have some choices mauryn gets a little freedom. one of her favorite things for breakfast is an english muffin pizza. the other day she asked to go fishing.... pretzel sticks for the fishing pole, peanut butter to hook the fish, and gold fish as fish of course
* i love this picture. i love how he crashed on the couch after his game. he is busy and on the go all.the.time. this never happens. so i know he was one tired boy.
* i was cleaning and organizing my closet. i was hoping that by moving my short sleeved shirts would help spring to come faster.
as i was moving clothes i found one of my boise state shirts. i texted the picture to janelle. janelle and her husband went to tcu. a few years ago bsu and tcu played against each other in a bowl game and well bsu won. yes! in november these two teams will be playing in boise. {i am trying to convince janelle and her husband to come visit for the game} after i texted her this picture, she promptly texted me a picture of her tcu frogs shirt. the friendly competition is on!
* my cleaned and organized closet...aah so nice!
* when i finish the 30 day shred tomorrow this is the workout i am moving onto for the month of may... i previewed it and might be a little afraid
* trying to look warm on easter morning... you would think that with easter being at the end of april the girls would have been fine in tank dresses but no it was a little chilly to start the day. they were troopers to let me get some pictures before church
* one of our friends built a batting cage in their backyard. we invited ourselves went over their on sunday afternoon so we could check out the batting cage and give landon a little hitting practice. so fun!
* i have a pile of projects/gifts to make next to my sewing machine. i carved out some time on tuesday afternoon to sit down and get a few things crossed off my list.
* we have been studying the solar system in science for school. this week we learned up uranus and neptune. one of our experiments was to create a cloud. the kids loved it.
* finally a day where it was warm, the sun was shining, and it wasn't horribly windy. after taking morgan to gymnastics the kids and i took a detour on the way home to the car wash. and then two days later it snowed. i was in shock so i didn't get a picture. snow at the end of april is unacceptable. spring where are you?
* sunny day spent outside... these two were prepping for their "sword" {pool noodles} fight
* i love this tree. i love that the branches are quirky and go in different directions and droop. i especially love that it has come into bloom. the purple buds are so pretty.