Some women love shoes. Some love clothes. Some love jewelry.
I prefer purses and bags. It's not that I don't like shoes, clothes, or jewelry but if there is an item that I tend to "collect" it is bags. I think my love affair with bags started the semester I worked in the handbag department at Carson Pirie Scott. My girls seem to have inherited this love as well.
I use bags to help organize things around our house and in the car - beach bag, library bag, purse{s}, dance bag, gym bag, lunch bag, garbage bag, and the list goes on and on.
A few weeks ago I received an email from Amy who is a consultant with a company called Thirty-One Gifts. I first saw a Thirty-One catalog around Christmas time and immediately fell in love with all their bags. My wish list was quite long. Their items are reasonably priced, cute, and they can be personalized. My favorite items were the ones with organization in the title :o)
When Amy asked if I would want to do a giveaway I immediately said yes!
Amy offered to send our family a few items to use and review before we hosted the giveaway. Thanks Amy for the fun things you sent to us!
Morgan had a cinch sack she was using for her gym bag and it was falling apart so when a new cinch sack arrived she was thrilled! She loves the extra zippered compartment on the front where she can keep a snack or other items she doesn't want covered in chalk from her grips. It is lightweight and perfect for her gym bag.
The flat iron cover is darling and perfect for travel!
I need to pack Morgan dinner on the go two nights a week. The thermal tote is perfect. It is large enough to fit her dinner as well as her water bottle and it doesn't get heavy {could this pattern be any cuter!}. Morgan loves the bag so much she sometimes takes it to gym just to hold her snack.
I often wish I had a small picnic type blanket in the car for when we are at the park or a ball game. I love that this blanket rolls up and has a handle for easy carrying. I know we will put this blanket to good use during the spring and summer.
The utility tote that I keep in the back of my car might be my new favorite tote! It can fold down but I like to have it up ready to use. I use this tote often for grocery bags and especially for my Costco items. When I check out at Costco they ask if I want a box. I always say no to a box as they get heavy and are awkward to get out of the cart. This utility tote solves that problem. I am able to organize my groceries in the car and easily get them in the house to put away.
For extra entries you can follow my blog,
link to this post for the giveaway,
facebook or tweet about the giveaway.
Leave a separate comment for each entry.
If you happen to fall in love with these products like I have and you place an order with Amy of $31 you can purchase a purse for 50% off {starting tomorrow}. If you host a catalog party you can get a free cosmetic bag as well as the Market Thermal Tote for $10 if your party is over $450.
Head on over to Amys' site, browse the catalog, and tell me your favorite items!
Winner will be randomly drawn and announced on Thursday March 3rd.

i am a huge sucker for bags, baskets, totes- really anything to help organize too :)
i'm thinking that that utility tote has got to be the most genius idea ever- especially for costco trips :)
i completely adore their site.
i am in love with everything on page 34-35 of their catalog. too hard to pick a favorite. ahhhhhh! so stinkin cute!
you know i follow ya :)
facebooked :)
I'm new here, but I love Thirty-One! I bought my mom and aunt purses for Christmas and I wear the small flower in cream ALL THE TIME. (Don't believe me? Look for my 1st ever What I Wore Wednesday post this week.) I'm sure that I couldn't carry any of the small purses, so I like the XXL Tote in Taupe or the Cindy Tote in the Floral Fanfare.
I also follow you now.
Such cute bags! I love the Retro Metro Bag on page 28. And I also love the idea of the one you use for Costco.
And I am a follower :)
I'm a follower of yours, as you know! Oh my how I'd love to win this!
Thanks - Stacey
The large utility tote in the circle print is my favorite. We could use a cute bag for the beach/pool.
Thanks for the chance sweet friend!
I follow. ;o)
Bags... bags... bags... i love the bags!!!!
I love the 31Kid bag!
I follow you!
All of them! :) I am a bag junkie. JUst one more reason I think we are made to be friends.
The large utility tote would be awesome for the pool!
About to put a link on facebook!
Feel the love!
The utility tote for the car so things won't roll around while driving!
sign me up! (and you better keep an eye on that b/w polka dotted tote of yours. i may snag it and change my last name to "cones." haha).
facebooked it!
i thought i was a follower, but may have just signed up to follow again?? i'm so confused.
whatever, does this earn me another submission?
Oh this is so exciting. I love their Thermal Tote. I am always looking for a bag for work that I can carry my lunch in!
I am surprised that I didn't already follow your blog. I stop by to read pretty often, definatly a follower now!
Facebook link done!
sign me up again because i posted about the give away on my recent joy blog!
So weird, I've seen this catalog 3 times now in the past month. I guess I should order something. My favorite it the large utility tote in the St. Andrews garden style. I think it would look great in my back seat or trunk of my car to catch all of my stray bags while shopping.
Hey register me to WIN...Love it all!
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