
The Journey: Month One

When I was in my 20's and even early 30's staying within the weight range I set for myself was easy.

I could give up sweets or soda for a bit or pump up my workouts while the weight would quickly disappear and I could get back to "normal" eating.

To be honest up until the last few years I never had to worry about my weight or watch what I ate on a regular basis.  

This is no longer true.

This first month on my journey has been challenging.  It has been a roller coaster ride with plenty of ups and downs.

A big random list of what i learned this past month:
* i enjoy a cup of hot tea in the mornings. i am not a coffee drinker but like something warm in the mornings especially in the winter.  i dropped hot chocolate for tea and i am learning to like it. i never thought i would be a tea drinker but any minty flavor is perfect for me.
* i do well with following my plan as long as we are at home but it is more difficult to follow my plan when we are traveling.  i am trying to keep some healthy snack options in my purse for times when we are running errands and gone longer than expected or i just get hungry.  
* i do okay with water but definitely need to drink more on a regular basis
* i need to be more consistent with keeping a food journal.  i think i can remember what i ate but my post three children brain doesn't always accurately remember.  the weeks i had the biggest losses was when i would journal my food.
* even though i haven't noticed a big loss in the last month i am seeing that my body is changing and some of my clothes are fitting differently.
* i love the recipe builder option on ww.  you can input your ingredients, it divides it by the number of servings and you get a point value per serving.
* i did not like learning that my absolute favorite chocolate chip cookies are 6 points... ugh!
* reporting to my accountability partner has been a great source of support, encouragement, and sharing of ideas, recipes, and snacks. it also forces me to stick to my eating and exercise plan when i have to report to someone each week.
* getting back into the exercise routine has been a bit of a challenge.  it takes a conscious effort each day to work out.  i feel like i can push myself at home most of my workout happens on the elliptical or spin bike and i wasn't getting much weight bearing exercise in on a regular basis.  i have been trying to get to the gym a few times a week to use the step mill {love} and run/walk. my favorite workout for working on strength and flexibility is physique 57 so i have been trying to incorporate that at least 2 times a week.
* i love the ww app on my phone. it makes it easy to figure out point values on food/snacks while grocery shopping or eating out.
* as long as i plan for it i can still enjoy my favorites like chocolate chip cookie or fountain soda.
* while in seattle our friends introduced us to cherry coke zero.  i am not a huge fan of diet type sodas.  i have tried regular coke zero and well gag... gross aroo {as mauryn would say}.  the cherry coke zero was actually pretty good.
* the ww candy bar ice cream bars are delicious.  i have one almost every day. love them!
* eggs and turkey bacon is my new favorite breakfast.  i am usually a cereal type girl for breakfast but i have totally been craving protein in the mornings. 

Weight: 146.3 lbs
Loss: 3.5 lbs
Goals: to exercise at least 4 days a week - try to get to the gym 2 days a week, incorporate strength training 2 days a week
to follow ww plan
drink 8 glasses of water per day
to be consistent in keeping a food journal
eat enough fruits and vegetables each day


Unknown said...

Way to go Kristen!! I'm going to have to try the cherry coke zero. I actually like the Pepsi zero as well and have been indulging in that occasionally - it's not quite the same but definately not diet. Good luck with this next month.

Me said...

You look awesome!!!! I too am on a journey to lose the weight and for the first time in a long time have been successful in reaching my goals. I love cheery coke zero. I love coke zero with a squeeze of fresh lemon too. Thanks for sharing your praise report... and again you look fantastic!!!

Feel free to check out my blog anytime.

Denise said...

i am proud of you (although i think you are gorrrgeous just as you are).

winter is no good for me. i am so cold. being cold makes me want to warm up. food is warm.

i pack it on around the middle. i can hide it with winter layers, but come march my secret is out!

need help. need accountability.
need a neighbor to MAKE me exercise and w.w.

and like you i do enjoy me a w.w. ice cream every day.

Susan said...

Great job friend

Simply Sara said...

yup. super proud of you my friend.

it's time i start thinking about the happy pounds i gained with ellie...
i think i'll start with some cherry coke zero (hopefully they aren't anti-canada). and then maybe i should start thinking about exercising.


Janelle said...

I relate to all of this. I can't get away with anything anymore. My metabolism is in the tank. Great encouragement for me, as always.

You rock!