

I would have never imagined, almost twenty months ago that the tiny sweet baby girl placed in my arms would be such a ball of energy and emotion.

As a newborn and even throughout most of her first year, Mauryn was a very laid back and easy baby. She rarely cried or fussed. She slept through the night by 7 weeks of age. She put herself to sleep and was on a great schedule by 3 months of age. She would play by herself on the floor or be content in the bouncy seat or bumbo watching what was happening around her. Easy. Content. Mild mannered. That was my babe until she became a toddler.

Somewhere between fifteen and eighteen months, Mauryn started to show a strong independent streak.  She knew exactly what she wanted but had a small vocabulary to use in expressing herself.  The tantrums would come and they were (and still are) fairly intense with squeals, stamping of feet, and flailing of her body.  

Mauryn is petite for her age but her spirit and personality can fill a room.  Her emotions run strong.  When she is happy she is so delightful. Funny. Silly. Charming. Pure joy.   When she is sad or mad, well it it not so fun.  She seems to not have a middle ground to her emotions. It is one extreme or another.  

I am trying understand this independent and spirited girl. I am watching her closely to learn more about her personality.  I am learning what methods work best in disciplining her.  I am learning to enjoy her joyful moments and be patient and understanding in the more challenging times.  

I can't imagine our family without her.  She has grown and changed so much from the content and quiet baby we brought home.  We are seeing glimpse of the person God created her to be.  I need to help her learn to channel her emotion and energy for the greater good.  It isn't always going to be easy or enjoyable but taking this journey with her is so worth it.  


Krista said...

This is a wonderful post. It brings tears to my eyes. I love the picture, too. She is pure joy. Isn't it amazing to think of all the children God could have blessed you with, He chose Mauryn, Landon, and Morgan just for you and Lance. It makes a person feel like the luckiest individual in the world, that God chose this child just for me.

Lynn said...

She's a beautiful girl, and she has been blessed with a very special mommy. God is good...

Short Stop said...

Oh, I can relate to this post so much. Jack was such an easy baby, but at about 1, he just turned into this independant, and "spirited" child. He still is. He's tough to discipline and train, but I wouldn't change his spunk one bit.

BTW, I'm finally catching up on blog reading after not having the internet. I have missed reading your thoughts and updates on your life.

Jenni S. said...

Oh my goodness you could have been describing Anna, so I have a very good idea about where you are right now. As wearing down as they can be, though, no one makes me laugh as much as Anna. And I love that she, too, "fills a room" because she always makes it brighter. :)

Totally unrelated, but the new header is adorable!