Cold Tangerines

Something fun and Misc
I saw this on Leah's blog a while ago and then Lynn posted it on her blog last week. It took me down memory lane to high school keyboarding class. Anyone else remember those days when we really typed on typewriters??
- Last Friday, I had Landon's 4 year pictures taken at Target. I had never been to Target's portrait studios before but I had a coupon for a free sitting and some free prints so we decided to check them out. They got some fun pictures of Landon and they made some fun collage prints, but it was an absolute zoo there. I felt like they rushed us through the process of taking pictures and viewing his photos. Overall, it was an average experience. Here is the link to his photos, you just need to enter my name.
- My older brother and his two sons fly in tomorrow for a week. I am so excited! I haven't seen any of my family since August. They will spend the week skiing and exploring the Boise area.
- Landon learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. So exciting to see that little guy out there zooming around. I really need to get a picture because the bike he is riding is our neighbor Amiah's, 12 inch PINK bike! Yep, my boy is cruising up and down the streets on a pink bike without a care in the world. His "cool" bike is a bit too tall for him to ride without training wheels so until he has a growth spurt, he will be cruising the streets on the pink bike.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Notes to self
- get more tupperware containers for cereal (or the baby digs in the boxes and there is cereal all over the kitchen floor)
- put the ladder to the bunk beds away (or the baby will try to climb to the top bunk)
- make sure all markers, crayons, pens, pencils, and chalk are put away AND out of the reach of the baby (or anything in sight will be scribbled on)
- if it is quiet - find the baby and fast!
Happy Easter!
Preparing for Easter
This past Sunday, our church had an Easter egg hunt after church. Before the Easter egg hunt started, each family was given a handout titled "A Meaningful Easter" that our new early childhood pastor had put together. It contained devotionals for each day, some recipes and activities, as well as book titles and CD's. I was so thankful for this little handout - it gave me daily devotionals to prepare my heart for Easter as well as some new and different things to do with my kids.
Earlier this winter, I had purchased a set of Resurrection Eggs to use with my kids during the Easter season. They have loved opening the eggs and having a hands on way to learn the Easter story. I would love to know what type of things you do with your children during the lent and Easter season. I want to be more deliberate in preparing for this season next year. During advent, I have made an effort to prepare my kids for the birth of Christ but I am feeling that I need to make more of an effort to prepare them for His death and resurrection.
Below are a few pictures of Mauryn in her first egg hunt (sorry I couldn't stop from sharing) and a few of the activities from the handout we received on Sunday. Enjoy!
Mauryn patiently waiting for the egg hunt to begin
What do you do while waiting - drag your basket around the hall
Oh, I found an egg
What, there is candy in these eggs - mom you've been holding out on me!
Happy 4th Birthday Landon!