november is over
that month flew by
its always a busy month in this house
two girls with birthdays
plus thanksgiving
its pretty much a blur
i am thankful for some iPhone picture to remind me of what we did this month!
our thankful chart
each day we sit down and remember something we were thankful for
a great way to help keep our hearts and minds focused on what is truly important
i was sorting through my homeschool binder and found this self portrait landon drew when he was in kindergarten
now he's a third grader
i love having this little reminder of him as a little guy
well chick fil a finally opened in our area
i couldn't wait to try it
i was super impressed with the service
my kids loved it
its the most wonderful time of the year
schwan's french vanilla ice cream
it only comes around for the holidays
its my favorite
i might stock up on it so it lasts into the spring
its SOO good!
her last night as a 5 year old
she wanted to snuggle and sleep in my bed
i couldn't say no
soon she'll be too big
this turning 6 business was hard on this mama's heart
up early on mauryn's birthday making doughnuts for her party
the one request she had for her birthday was to eat LOTS of ice cream
i am so glad these two have each other
they are the best of friends most of the time
i love when they choose to bunk in together
all ready for the doughnut shop party
misspelled sign and all :O)
in the same week that mauryn turned 6, morgan turned 13!
aah! it was not right that my baby turns 6 and i have a teenager in the same week
a week full of fun and celebrating but realizing time whisks by in a blur
i love the hand on the head
she was done done DONE
i was thankful she gave into sleep for a few minutes in the car
afternoon crafting
doing crafts with my kids is not my favorite because its MESSY
they love it
i need to remember how much they love it and do it more
even if it is MESSY
i had just cleaned the kitchen and they were looking for something to do
they made turkeys
it was MESSY
but they had so much fun
it was worth the mess
the night of the breaking dawn premiere i was leaving to pick up my friend kaylynn
i opened the door to go in the garage and there was edward
well a cut out of edward
it totally freaked me out!
i knew she had the cut out because we were going to use it to scare the other girls we were going to the movie with that night.
they totally got me.
so funny!
we had grilled pizzas one night for dinner
hands down one of my most favorite meals
my sister in law started posting pics from the wedding
as soon as i saw this one i snapped a screen shot
such a great picture of my family
parents, siblings, spouses, kiddos
so so fun to have everyone together
my kids are big on tradition
every year on thanksgiving morning and on christmas eve morning we make lefse
its a favorite amongst everyone in our house
the kids are now experts so i get the potatoes ready and they do all the rolling and cooking
i am pretty ok with that deal
as long as i still get to eat it :o)
our church holds an advent fair each year around thanksgiving
its a fun night filled with crafts and fellowship
i love getting new ideas for our advent activities
this year i picked up these cute cards for a game
card stock cards + little hands = not a good mix
i ran them through a laminator to make them sturdier so hopefully they will last more than one season
i shop for christmas early
i wrap everything right away
{i may have a child who likes to snoop}
the gifts go under the tree and then the kids start to sort the gifts and group them
this year i decided to be a little trickier with the gifts
i assigned each gift a random number so the kids have no idea who the gifts belong to
even if they figure out one number there is no correlation to another gift
i am putting together a little scavenger hunt for them to figure out their gifts on christmas day
{thanks for the ideas instagram friends}
mauryn had her first dance performance on black friday
they danced at a local festival of trees
i was so impressed with how well all the dancers did that day
some very happy mail
i can't wait to get these prints up on my walls!
mauryn is in a new dance studio this year
parents are allowed to watch class one time a month
we were gone last month for watch week
this week i was able to sneak in for a peek at her class
my morning workouts are my time to get caught up on my shows on tivo
the other morning i went to set up for my workout and i could not find the remote
an ipad app saved the day
its a tivo remote for the ipad
it worked great
advent calendar ready to be filled with slips of paper explaining our daily bible reading and activities
i can't wait to get started!
if your on instagram you can follow me @kristencheney
if your on instagram you can follow me @kristencheney
linking up with jeannett