Ten on Ten: Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments.
started my day with an early morning date with these two
four days a week we hit the road early to get morgan to gymnastics practice
the sky was so pretty this morning on our way too long commute
{please builders hurry and get the new gym built.... pretty please}
wednesday morning = laundry
hanging with my little ones outside before the heat of the day
this little lady has been loving her scooter lately
yes, she is in her pajama shirt
my boy and i worked on creating an A frame indoor tent
mauryn is behind the frame diligently working on her school work outside
such a good little student
we finished the tent and moved on inside to finish up some school work
this boy has transitioned well to our new workbox system. the fact that he gets breaks after he finishes three boxes of work before he has to work again has been a huge motivator.
its only our first week but so far no tears or whining.
i even found him starting school before our day had started.
that is unheard of for him.
we made a pit stop on the way to get morgan from gymnastics to pick up tickets for my book club to The Help on wednesday night {if you have not seen The Help run now to see it. it was amazing. one of the best movies i have seen in well forever. it was beyond words incredible. the adaptation from book to movie was fantastic. a definite must see!}
back in the car for our way too long commute to get morgan from gymnastics practice
my kids love them some monster mix
we threw together a batch and now i am hiding from myself
the two little ones had swimming lessons
this little one has turned into a little fish
i love that they love to swim

super fun day. i am REALLY excited to see the help, i think this weekend! :) and now excited to see it even more!
how do you like the yoga meltdown? i want to start doing yoga and i saw the meltdown in a movie store but was unsure.
-Jessica Howard
i completely forget to do this every single month! next time...
your day looks super fun!
i am so making that monster mix for my kiddos (minus the peanuts because of evan's allergies- maybe i'll add a cereal of some kind :)
and jilly...oh jilly. so proud of you for keeping her in your daily routine!
Jill kinda scares me a little... is she being nice to you?
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