

anyone else having a crazy busy summer?

i haven't visited this here blog in MONTHS!
i haven't read blog posts in MONTHS!

i've been reading... but its been books instead of blogs.
reading books is good for my soul.
my summer reading list is quite long.
i've been making good progress but about the time i finish a book i find another one to add to my list. 
oh so many books and so little time!

we've been working our way through our summer bucket list. 
its been a fun summer but a very busy summer

our list is crazy long 
but i have a child who if not given a task for a day will create their own task and well that will usually get them in trouble
i was working on being proactive and keeping that child busy
its definitely helped

by being so busy we've been in maintenance mode around our house
its been a challenge for me to let things go and basically just keep things running
by letting things go its been a better summer for my kids
i have had to take a lot of deep breaths and carry on because memories with my kids are more important than a well thought out meal plan or sparkling clean house {its hard for me to even type that!}
maintaining has meant:
simple meals
15 minute quick tidy every night
staying on top of laundry {love mostly towel and suit loads...that's easy}
vacuuming a few times a week

school is just around the corner for us... we start back two weeks from today
our summer has flown by
i've survived in maintenance mode
its been one of our best summers yet

how do you find balance in the summer?

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