anyone out there??
i've missed you.
how you've been?
what's new?
i can't believe it's been a month since i've posted!
life's been a little busy
it's been about that long since i sat down at the computer
there are pictures to edit
stories to share
but life gets in the way
we've had saturdays filled with gymnastics and basketball
days filled with school, errands, and life
little time in between to process
time is a flying
i can't believe that February will be gone next week
i am splitting up my iPhone pictures between two posts
then hopefully getting caught up with other posts sometime soon
i have some from back in early fall to share... yikes!
oh well, it will get done when it gets done
the drafts will sit there until i find the time to get them finished
fasten your seat belts.
here we go with a bunch of pics
january photo challenge: what's in your purse
not much
wallet, small zip pouch for lip gloss/gum/pens, large zip pouch for coupons/groupons
i am not a fan of clutter
my purse in generally clutter free
this girl was messing with my phone
posted her self portrait on instagram
typical pose for my tween
january photo challenge: what you are reading
here is one of my book shelves
i also read with a kindle app and nook app
i am a little ADD with my reading
so many books so little time
i am usually reading 3 or 4 books at the same time
i read whatever i am in the mood for that day
my valentines day mantle
i am in love with it
i really don't want to take it down. ever.
this little lady did her own pigtails for the first time
i asked asked her if i could take her picture
she said "just a minute"
reached in her purse, pulled out lip gloss, put it on, then looks at me and says "i am ready"
she is so not my child
she makes me smile every day
a typical monday morning {our busiest day of the week by far};
get ready and everyone up
pack lunches
start laundry
head to co op {i teach 2 classes}
we leave from co op to take morgan to gym
its our afternoon to run errands - we hit up costco/winco/target
home to unload, start dinner, clean house
pick up morgan
fall into bed in a comatose state thankful we made it through monday
this boy likes the magic tree house books
he was stalling starting school by reading
i let him
because he was reading
he is not a fan of reading or school
you know school takes away from playing
the nerve of school
my favorite water cup
fill, drink, repeat 4x a day
i had a date with my princess loving lady to see beauty and the beast in 3D
she loved it
especially the popcorn
there were only 2 other people in the theater with us
a man and his daughter
he stopped as the movie was over to talk with us
he had taken his daughter to see beauty and the beast for the first time when she was 3
it was his birthday and they were on a date to see it in 3D
so sweet!
it also made me all teary eyed... time just goes by far too quickly
i am going to miss 5 year old mauryn
i want to freeze her and keep her little
instead i need to freeze my memories
we've had no snow
lots of rain but no snow
the day it decides to snow is that day we need to head to boise for a field trip
landon was sweet enough to shovel the driveway for us
the snow was flying as we headed to bigelow tea
it was beautiful
free tea samples
please and thank you
the mint medley is my favorite
my friend rachel sent me a text one day that said i needed to get the game scramble with friends
ok twist my arm
i am hooked
it is my favorite favorite game right now
i can't get enough of her
once a month i host some other homeschool moms for a MNO
i made cookie dough dip {make it now. so so good}
i couldn't have it
lance and i were doing a no junk food challenge for 21 days
i made this on day 19
i just looked at it dreamed of its yumminess
pretty fabric for spring
i have some plans for this pile
my brother get engaged at christmas time {yeah!}
the date is set and on the calendar
i love looking ahead to fall and seeing this date
can't wait!
my big girl ready for her first meet of the season
glitter covered and ready to compete
of course the day of morgan's first meet is the same day as landon's first basketball game
i watched almost all of landon's game
then headed off for morgan's meet
this is what our saturdays look like during the winter
it's that time of the year... girl scout cookie time
my family loves thin mints
i am not a huge fan... of thin mints or girl scout cookies
i know, sort of un american huh?
a typical sunday night:
lesson plans for our week and for my co op classes
flat stanley came from my niece in mn to visit
my very favorite slippers
my family got me these new slippers for christmas
they are warm and comfy
they are a staple in the winter
landon got to go rock climbing for his PE class
he loved it
he has asked every day to go back and do it again
we need to do that.... soon.
we celebrated our 100th day of school
a highlight of the day... 100th day snack
mauryn thought it was funny to dress up harley
poor boy and his girly headband
doesn't he look so thrilled with it?
early this winter we made some bags to hand out to homeless people
we filled them with socks, snacks, hats, mittens, gift cards
mauryn was always our look out when we were driving
one day while we were doing school she was collecting things
i asked her what she was doing
she told me kanani {her AG doll} was making homeless bags to hand out
she has such a tender little heart
this box of colors makes me happy
we babysat for some friends one night
mauryn was my biggest helper
entertaining baby taylor and giving her her bottle
she is such a little mother
little miss was tired of waiting for the awards ceremony at morgan's meet
she had a little photo session on my phone
love the pouty lips
one saturday after landon's early morning game, we headed up to the mountains
there is a town that has a winter carnival
in all our years here, we've never gone
it was chilly but the sun was shining and it was gorgeous
the kids loved seeing all the ice sculptures
we saw the most amazing sky on the way home
totally worth the drive and the winding mountain roads
when we paid for food at a food stand, our change came back in $2 bills
it was so fun
it had been years since i had come across a $2 bill
for the first three years that morgan competed, i was lucky to get to see her routines.
mauryn and landon were little and needed to be entertained and corralled during the meets
in the last year, it has gotten much easier to be at her meets
i was finally able to watch and get scores
then i got my iPhone and of course there was an app for tracking meet scores
i love it!
i can track morgan's scores from meet to meet as well as her team mates
it is fun to see how they do over the course of the season and see how the team improves
yes, i am THAT mom

Where do I begin?? Did you like 19th wife? Where did those slippers come from? Your Monday makes my Monday look wimpy. Love your Valentine mantle. Love fall weddings!! We need a new game, I let our WWF die... sorry. Morgan is doing great! Love your water cup and winter festivals! I adore these glimpses into your life! I heart you.
no girl scout cookies. so unamerican...but MORE FOR ME!
congratulations for your brother! what fun that will be for your whole family. you should wear the dress we got at whbm!
love your mantel. you should leave it up all year. dare ya!
yes, hope the pretty mantel is still up! LOVE.
your slippers look cozy to the max.
AND, bigelow tea?! i would love to go there, sheesh!
hope all is well xo
yayyy. SO much that has happened! love it all!
love the glitter in gymnastics.
definitely a necessity.
mint medley is probably my fav too (thanks again, seriously!)
all of your other pics are so fun and colorful. what a great few weeks you've had!
i'm still dying to know what you ended up getting at TJ's!!! :)
I've missed your posts. Good to see all your cute pics! :)
I also read 3-4 books at the same time. Is that an attention deficit thing... or it probably means we are super smart! :)
Love the huge canvas of your family... so great!! :)
I need some slippers like that! They looks so warm! And yay for $2 bills. Lucky! :)
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