This last year was full of change for our family. Morgan graduated from high school in May.
The week before graduation I was able to travel with Morgan and her classmates on a cruise to Catalina Island, CA and Ensenada, Mexico. It was a fun trip filled with many memories.
Morgan is now attending Idaho State University, about 3 hours from home. She is majoring in dental hygiene and will enter the hygiene program in the fall. She is enjoying college life and has made some wonderful friends. Morgan's time is filled with studying, working in the dental office at college, and being involved in her college church group.
The night before Morgan graduated from high school, Landon graduated from middle school. A highlight was being named athlete of the year with his good friend Grady.
Landon is enjoying high school life. He spent the summer playing legion baseball... so we spent many hours at baseball fields around the valley. This fall saw him playing football, earning his first high school letter. Basketball season is in full swing now so many nights are spent in gyms. Landon loves attending all school events, eating, being with his friends, eating, lifting weights, eating, singing, eating, playing video games, and eating.
Mauryn finished elementary school. It was a little sad for me as we won't be in the same building anymore. Mauryn had the best year in 5th grade. She had an amazing teacher who she adored.
Mauryn is adjusting to middle school. She loves being in the same building as the high school kids and is finding her way through what she says is the "chaos" of middle school.
Lance still loves working with the dairy cows. He has been blessed with amazing clients, business partners, and a growing business. When Lance isn't working, he is attending any school sporting events, and helping to coach football and basketball which he loves.
I went back to teaching full time this year. I have a wonderful class of 2nd graders that keep me laughing and smiling every day. They bless me daily. We are all adjusting to life with mom working full time and are getting into a groove with the big change. I am blessed to work with an amazing group of people and to work where my kids go to school. I still try to find time to read but mostly I am keeping up with the kids and home life.
A highlight for all of us was a fun weekend with a group of friends to Utah to watch our friends' daughter play volleyball. We were able to find a weekend where the Utes were home both Friday and Sunday. We had such a great time of laughter and fellowship with some our favorite people. We are already planning another trip for next year.
Of course at trip to Utah is not complete with a stop at East High for our High School Musical loving kiddos.
We have been abundantly blessed this year and are thankful daily for family, friends, jobs we love, an amazing school for our kids, and our health. Looking forward to what God has in store for the next year.
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father." Isaiah 9:6