
Insta Joys: Two Weeks Behind Editition

it's already the first friday of december?

i can't believe it!

we are gearing up for a fun filled, activity filled month.
starting with a full weekend ahead of us.

i am catching up today with two weeks worth of pictures.

two weeks ago we walked out of book club to snow falling
thankfully it was wet and didn't stick
it was pretty and the kids were SO excited

landon will randomly say "i need to workout"
he'll whip out some pull ups, 
do push ups,
and lift weights

landon has really gotten into fantasy football with his dad
he will check their team repeatedly throughout the week
my favorite is when he will call lance in the middle of the day to talk about their fantasy team or to discuss their team the Denver Broncos

Mauryn brought this home from her SS teacher right before thanksgiving
it makes my heart smile 
she is sassy and independent but i love that she has a heart for others

mauryn learned how to put her hair in a pony tail by herself
she practices many times a day

instead of having the college small group on sunday nights they have been meeting on sunday mornings
we've missed having them in our house
we picked a sunday night to have them over for games and food
it was so wonderful to have them here

our brookie's been working in kauai since september
we've missed her
this little bug was especially happy to see her broke

i was delivered a mid afternoon pick me up to a friend
{finishing up  the happy day project...post coming}

i keep wondering when this is going to get easier
it should at some point right??

last year our costco ran out of gingerbread houses
i picked one up early this year

amy posted about this salad about a month ago
i knew i had to try this dressing
{i am trying to break my ranch dressing habit. ha!}
this was so so yummy
i've been told its great on a pasta salad
i can't wait to try it

its a tradition in our house to make lefse on thanksgiving morning and on christmas eve
lefse is one of my favorite things to eat but its a bit labor intensive to make so we usually only have it during the holidays
if you aren't familiar with lefse, it has a potato base and looks like a tortilla
we eat ours with butter and sugar

we spent thanksgiving with our neighbors  who are our family away from home
we had a very casual thanksgiving dinner
it was perfect
here the troops were hungry and getting a little restless

mauryn having lefse for breakfast
i may have had some for breakfast as well
the lefse doesn't last long around our house

my tiny little dancer
mauryn danced at the festival of trees in boise on the friday after thanksgiving
my baby girl dancing + oh holy night = tears

the stockings were hung....

we split boise state football tickets with our neighbors
we each get one adult ticket and one junior ticket
lance was on call last weekend so i got to take landon to the game
val took amiah
we had a fun mom and kids day
these two thought they needed foam fingers to cheer on the broncos

my boy and i trying to stay warm at the game
it was a little chilly and windy
landon makes a good snuggle buddy

as we were leaving the game we saw this guy dressed up like a hamster
i think he was smart... he definitely stayed warm
landon and amiah wanted their picture taken with him

as the kids were decorating their trees, mauryn brought me this ornament
"is this me?"
well you weren't born until 2006 so no 
i don't think this picture looks like mauryn but she definitely thought it was her :o)

our awesome smelling tree waiting for decorations

landon and mauryn went to a birthday party on monday
i think landon liked his cupcake

my boys are huge denver broncos fans
landon is an even bigger tebow fan
he was proudly sporting his jersey... especially after the win on sunday and this article

landon made this book for his dad for christmas
so sweet!

i had to restock my vanilla supply before the christmas baking begins
i may have done a little happy dance when this arrived
i was down to my last drops of vanilla

our advent calendar stuffed and ready
this is one of my favorite times of the year

i found these at target
oh my were they good
i am not a huge mint fan but these were amazing

we ordered a canvas and it came in a big box
landon and mauryn took the boxes and make "dummies"
they've been dragging their "dummies" everywhere

each year i collect our christmas books and place them by our fireplace
we love to snuggle up by the fire and read through our christmas books 

i found these candy cane candy melts in mid november
the first time i used them i made a candy cane bark... amazing
i needed to bring cookies to our homeschool christmas party
i needed something quick and easy after a busy week
i took oreos and dipped them in the candy cane melts
i may have snuck one or two... amazing
the candy cane melts are wonderful
i can't wait to try them on cake balls

how was your week?

i am linking up with jeannett for insta friday
life rearranged


  1. Love the candy cane melts review. Just saw them at Michaels last night. So now I have a good reason to buy them... Oreo/peppermint bark goodness. Thanks! PS: I live in Fresno so GO DOGS... Well not so much this year...:P
    Stopping my via InstaFriday! Hope you can stop by mine:

  2. What a great recap! So glad you're enjoying the dressing...I just ran out myself. That advent calendar is darling and I must get my hands on some of those candy cane candy melts! Have a wonderful weekend! XO

  3. Hi Kristen!
    You looked so cute in your hat at the bsu game!! I bet you all had so much fun. I heard it was coooold at that game. All my hubs family got to go.
    Those peppermint pretzels are so good! I can eat a bag myself.
    Great job on the run, I tried this morning. Put the clothes on, but never actually ran. Maybe tomorrow!
    Love your family pic on your header. So cute.
    Have a good one, and stay warm!!

  4. y'all have THE greatest smiles.
    fun books!
    love the advent calendar. LOVE.

    enjoy your weekend xoxo
