
Advent: Day 1

the kids were up bright and early this morning ready to open the first slip on our advent calendar.

landon had his lego calendar opened and put together before i even got downstairs.
{this year i opted for the star wars lego advent calendar}

paint a christmas tree on our patio door,

 cut out 25 circles as ornaments for our tree, 
pick a person or family to pray for 
{we will add an ornament each day after we have prayed for that person or family} 
and add that ornament to our tree.

decorate your bedroom windows with christmas designs

Bible Verses: 
                              Yes, my soul, find rest in God;my hope comes from him.
     Truly he is my rock and my salvation;    
                          he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. Psalm 62:5-6

You will keep in perfect peace 
                                  those whose minds are steadfast,    
         because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3

 A voice of one calling: 
                                       "In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; 
         make straight in the desert 
                    a highway for our God. Isaiah 40:3


  1. this is AWESOME. what an incredible thing you are doing with your family. LOVE how you celebrate advent!

  2. Love your pics! Did you get the package/letters for the kids? Anna & I think it looks like Morgan may have the flower bobby pin in, but weren't positive. We'll have to talk about Christmas exchange/letter again!

  3. I did this idea one year after seeing Denise do it! I didn't wash the trees down for like 6 months! So bad!! :) I like your prayer ornament idea.... a lot! :)
