
Adventures in California - Part III

Our second full day in San Diego started with a drive to Escondido to the San Diego Wild Animal Park.  Oh. my. word. It was incredible! The first thing we did was to take the Journey through Africa tour, which was amazing.  We learned so much about the animals, the breeding program, and the park in general. I wish I would have had a tape recorder so I would have all the information to go with the pictures.  We spent the next four hours touring the park and enjoying the beauty of the animals.  

After we left the Wild Animal Park, we decided to go to the beach.  It was a beautiful afternoon, a bit windy but a great day for playing in the water.  The one souvenir Morgan wanted from San Diego was sea shells.  She loved searching the beach for them and creating a collection.  Landon and Mauryn had fallen asleep on the way to the beach, so Landon was a little less than enthusiastic about being at the beach. Until he discovered some rocks that he could throw into the water.  The kids jumped, splashed, and played in the water for a while before we met the Cheney cousins for dinner.  It was another full but wonderful day in San Diego! 


1 comment:

  1. SUCH good pictures of both the animal park and the beach. Although you aren't in many of these, I LOVE that you have been posting a lot more pictures with you and your hubby in them lately. You are such a beautiful family.
