
Adventures in California - Part IV

Our last morning in San Diego dawned with a gray skies and three very tired children.  We had been debating on whether to make a quick trip back to the beach or go to the zoo before catching our flight home.  Thankfully we chose the zoo as the typically overcast skies of San Diego did not clear up.  It was a chilly and rainy morning!

The first thing we did at the zoo was take the bus tour which covers about three fourths of the zoo.  It was a great overview tour and gave us time to prioritize our day since we knew we had limited time at the zoo.  After the bus tour, we began walking the trails to see the tigers, orangutans, koalas, pandas, and hippos up close. It was so neat to see our kids awe and wonder at these marvelous creatures. They were curious, asked questions, and were excited to learn fun facts about the animals.  I was in awe seeing hippos swimming in the water and a baby panda high up in a bamboo tree.  So cool!

We had a great trip to San Diego.  It wasn't a relaxing trip by any means but it was wonderful. The kids were such troopers.  The little ones missed naps, they all stayed up past their bedtime, got up early in the morning but they maintained their composure! Thank you Lord!  It has taken about a full week to get back into our routine and recover from the pace of our trip in San Diego but I wouldn't trade that time for anything.  It was so nice to not have any time constraints and to just go at our pace.  It was nice to be together as a family and not have schoolwork, laundry, cleaning, or errands to distract us from just enjoying each other.  It was nice to have time to focus on my kids, to really listen to them, and to give them undivided attention.  I can't wait until we can take another vacation like that again!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, Kristen - this sounds like an amazing trip! You all did so much in such a short period of time, yet it seems like you had a blast. Glad you enjoyed it despite the busyness. And you got to meet Sarah too. How cool!
