
Adventures in California- Part II

When the marathon and all our teammates were finished, we loaded up on the shuttle bus to get back to the hotel.  I was dragging myself to my room as I had been up since 2:30 am to get ready for the day and I had just run (using that term loosely) 26.2 miles when I heard giggles and squeals from behind my hotel room door.  The sweet sounds of my husband and children!  I was so excited to see them and thankful they had made it safely.  I must commend Lance for traveling with our three children and all their gear.  He did an awesome job. The kids were incredible for the flight, the two hour wait for the rental car, and the traffic jam on the way to the hotel. They all were smiling and seemed relaxed - what a blessing!

Our first full day in San Diego was spent at Sea World.  I had never been to Sea World and the last time Lance was there he was a young boy.  Lance's parents met us at Sea World where we spent the day seeing as many exhibits and shows as possible.  The highlight for the kids was definitely feeding the dolphins and sting rays!  It was pretty amazing! I know that is something they will remember forever.  

I put together a slide show of some of our photos. This is my first attempt at making a slide show and there are a few places it doesn't transition smoothly.  

After a full day at Sea World, we went back to the hotel for about an hour and then headed off to the Padres game.  This was the kids' first experience with a major league baseball game.  Lance was so excited to take Landon to the game and let's just say Landon was far more interested in food and the fact there was a big red dog in a baseball uniform that looked like Clifford.  He did watch a little bit and had fun cheering on the teams.  It was a beautiful night for a walk to the ball park and to enjoy a baseball game.  By the time we got back to the hotel, I think the kids were all asleep within minutes of being put into their beds.  It had been a very busy day and the rest of our days looked to be just as busy.  


  1. I am so proud of you Kristen, you are truly an amazing woman. I am glad you had a good time. I enjoyed reading about your adventures in CA.

  2. looks like you guys had lots of fun at sea world. feeding the dolphins is one of my favorite things to do too :)

  3. Oh, how fun! Two hour wait for a rental car?! Oh my goodness! The things we go through!

  4. Great pictures Kristen! You've sold me on a San Diego trip!

  5. I have never been to Sea World, but I desperately want to go! It looks wonderful!

  6. What great pictures! You got some great ones of the sea creatures, but I especially like the family shot and the one of the kids that you used for your header.
