
Adventures in California - Part I

One of the highlights of my time in California was getting to meet my blogger friend Sarah and friends/bloggers/cousins Shannon and Courtney.

Sarah was sweet enough to drive almost 2 hours down to San Diego so we could meet in 'real life'.  As I was getting ready to meet Sarah, I found myself getting very nervous.   Would our conversation flow and be comfortable? Would she like me? But as soon as I got off the elevator and I saw Sarah waiting, all those feelings of nervousness and anxiousness disappeared.  Sarah greeted me with a warm smile and friendly hug.  We started visiting immediately and our morning flew by far too quickly. Sarah is just delightful - beauty shining from inside out.  If you haven't visited Sarah's blog, stop over and read it. Daily. Her words flow off the page (or computer screen) so eloquently. I find myself encouraged, inspired, at times challenged, and daily blessed by her writing. She has a gift for words and shares her heart so beautifully.  Thank you Sarah for taking time away from your family to meet with me. I hope we can meet again one day!
Sarah and I working trying to get a self portrait

About four years ago, there was a Cheney family reunion where Lance first met Shannon, Courtney, Sean and Lindsey, Heather, Art and Linda and their families. Lance had a wonderful time with all of them at the reunion. I know he was thrilled to meet some new Cheney cousins.

In the past year, we have reconnected with these Cheney cousins through this crazy blogging world.  It was so wonderful to get to meet Shannon, Mandy, Amber, Courtney, David, and Isaiah for dinner one evening while in California.  It was two hours filled with non stop conversation and a bit of chaos with the little ones (mainly mine).  It was so much fun!  It felt like home being with these cousins.  They embraced us like family they had known all their lives.  Thank you all for making time to have dinner with us.  We are definitely looking forward to more time together over the years! 
The bloggers: Shannon, Courtney, and Kristen
The cousins
Morgan and Mandy - new friends
Our Cheney crew


  1. how exciting that you were able to meet new friends and family on your trip. can't wait to hear more about your trip!

  2. It was so great getting to spend the evening with all of you! I can't wait to see ya'll again :}

  3. How fun & to meet Sarah..that's awesome! When you come do a run in Colorado, you let me know & we'll meet in person too!

  4. So fun! You really made the most of your trip. I am a fan of Sarah's blog too. She has a way with words...so sweet.

    Glad you got your package!

  5. Thank you for the kind words!!! you are so sweet. I had fun meeting you too (your picture turned out much better than mine).

    and how interesting to see the cheney connection. i had no idea you all were cheneys!!!

  6. how fun!

    i have been getting to know some sweet friends here in denver since we've gotten here that i'd only previously known in "blogland." and i love it! isn't it neat to see how God brings people into our lives in so many different ways.

  7. it is so weird seeing familiar cheney faces with you! now, why isn't my face there?

  8. It was so fun to get to see you in person! I hope it won't be another 4 years before we see you all again!

  9. I am just now getting to read all of these posts. I am SO far behind. But, I'm trying to catch up, especially with my faves (you being one of them!)

    It's SO cool that you got to meet Sarah! And, the fam...WOW! How cool to be together!
