
PinterTest Kitchen

i am so thankful jess has this link up every month so that i actually go back and look through my pins and do/make some of the things i pinned.

this past month was filled with things we tried off of pinterest. 
many more things than i remembered
a busy crazy month will do that to you
so here's a peak at our pinterest baking/projects/activites:
my friend sarah shared this recipe on her blog a few weeks ago, then i saw them pinned and knew i had to share them with all of you!

this cookie has just the right amount of mint without the mint overpowering the cookie.
it was perfection.

when we were having our gingerbread house party, i was having a peppermint dessert bar. most of the desserts were chocolate but i wanted something else a little different as an option.
they were easy to make and the recipe made about 50 cookies.

going on the peppermint theme, i made candy cane pretzel kisses.
super easy 
i loved the salty and minty combination
when morgan saw the picture of erin's girls with their hair colored, she wanted to try it.
this was fun, but it took quite a bit of time to do both girls' hair.
morgan has super thick hair so hers took forever.
we learned quickly that we had to use the darker tones for her hair where as mauryn's hair could handle the lighter tones.
this was a hit and the girls loved having their hair colored for christmas.
it truly does wash out easily in one washing!

morgan had been wanting to make a fleece tie blanket for quite a while so i wanted to find her an easy tutorial to follow.
thank you pinterest! 
{and joann's black friday sale on fleece}
morgan was able to quickly put together her blanket in an evening.
landon made one to send to his penal and then wanted one of his own.
landon was easily able to follow the tutorial and make the blanket on his own.

i found some cute fleece on sale at joann's but i didn't want to make a tie blanket, the knots would drive me crazy.
when i saw this tutorial for making a fleece fringe blanket i knew it would be perfect.
i whipped this little blanket up in about an hour.
i love it!
its my new go to blanket to curl up with when i am reading.
i will definitely be making more of these.  we will need a few in the car during baseball season to keep us warm at landon's games.

i have been seeing mug rugs all over the internet and thought i would try to tackle one if i could find an easy tutorial for a very beginner sewer {i.e. simple, basic, no binding}
this tutorial fit my requirements
it was a fairly easy project that i completed during mauryn's nap 
it is something i will make again
i think it was a good project to stretch my skills a bit... like piecing fabric together :o)

the glow in the dark bath was a HIT with my two little ones
they absolutely loved this activity
i think they have repeated it two or three times
a definite must do with your little ones

we made these glitter ball ornaments as one of our advent activities
they were really easy and the kids loved making them
they turned out looking really cool


  1. whoaaa look at you.
    that is a lot of pintertesting accomplishments.

    i LOVE that hair coloring thing. i REALLY want to try it some day, but i think i need to have someone do it for me hahaha. :)

    glow in the dark bath = awesome.

  2. now josie wants me to color her hair.
    "what color, josie?"

    i thought the first cookie was your cookie. i cannot cheat on your cookies with other cookies.

  3. Great pinning, friend! I need to link up my projects too.

  4. look at you! i want those cookies. and i'm not a big fan of the fringe blanket so i LOVE yours. also, i miss your face. Goooo tebow! this week anyways ;) got to root for tommy on saturday. sorry, friend.
