
Insta Joys

we made it through re entry week
back to routine
back to school
back to real life

 we spent our last saturday before school chilling at home
it was wonderful
landon spent the morning building legos

january photo a day: favorite
popped on the stove top and then sprinkled with salt
love it 

 every time i buy paper towels at costco landon creates something
a tower
a hideout
a little cave
every single time
who knew paper towels were such an exciting toy?

 my goal is to get up at 5 am
i set my alarm but forgot to turn the volume up on my iPad
i was up by 5:20 and at the gym by 5:35... not too shabby!

 school time for the little miss
she always makes the biggest mess
piles and piles of things around her

 january photo of the day: childhood
me: 1 year photo
modeling my kimono from our japanese exchange student around age 4

we are studying the human body in science
our lessons right now are around the human heart
we made a simplified {edible} model 

 a mid day battleship game with my boy

 landon and mauryn decided to make a hide out
in the pantry
on the top shelf
they each crawled up to the top and took a side
they brought up toys and snacks to keep them busy
as soon as i found them {after snapping a pic} the new hide out became off limits
for safety reasons
crazy kids

 my boy gets his hair cut at the barber shop with his dad
its a boys only gig
i took him once
once was enough
the place is for boys and dads not moms
when he comes home from the barber shop he smells good
so so good
i always grab him and smell his neck
over and over and over again
i love it
as much as he squirms and complains
i think he likes it too :o)

 little miss has dance class once a week
after class was over one of the floors was open
as she was getting ready to go she decided to put on a show in front of the mirror
i couldn't get her to leave
she was loving every minute of having those mirrors to check out her moves
little miss has a touch of diva in her

morgan generally has practice from 2-6:30 four days a week
last week one day they had a schedule change due to coaches being gone
she had practice from 4-8 pm
i was not a fan
not a fan at all
getting home at close to 9 pm on a school night
not so fun
we are so spoiled with her normal schedule
i am so thankful that late practice is not a norm

how was your week?

linking up with jeannett for insta friday

life rearranged


  1. i want to come over and play battleship.

    and in a paper towel fort.

  2. Hi Kristen!
    practice from 2-6:30? wow, that is a long time!! is she training for the olympics? ;)
    we are going to see about getting our girls signed up for a gymnastics class this week. I think they will love it.

    You are making quite a dent in your book reading list. Good for you. I can't wait for you to read The Pillars of the Earth. So so good. Then you have to watch the mini series that HBO did on it. Actually pretty good too, and my husband enjoyed watching that with me.
    Have a good week in Boise!!!

  3. 5:00am, woman!! What?? Are you crazy? Wow, that is really admirable!

    Love your vintage photos... you still have such an amazing smile!! :)

    Popcorn over the stove is the only way to go... going to make some right now!!

    And we love making stuff out of Costco stuff, too!! :)

  4. ok all these sweet photos are great, but your childhood ones are my FAVE!
    adorable! happy almost weekend!

  5. I love your Instajoys. They inspire me to find my own.

    And, I love you!

  6. Miss you and your posts! I hope you and your family are doing well. :)
