
10 on 10: January 2012

ten on ten: Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments.

out the door at early o'clock for the gym
i set the alarm on my iPad but had turned the volume down so i was running a little behind

when i got home from the gym i threw a roast and some carrots in the crock pot

we got our school day started EARLY... whoop!
impressive for our first day back at it

landon takes a PE class once a week at our local rec center
he loves it!
sister here was looking quite fierce ready to take on the day
or anyone getting in her way at the rec :o)

after landon finishes his PE class he always wants to shoot hoops for a bit
working on his skills for basketball season

it was back home to finish up school for the day

while i was on the phone with our former phone/internet provider {who "forgot" to follow through on our order to cancel service. ugh!}, i ordered some new straws for my starbucks sippy.
a little boy child who shall remain nameless chewed on my straw
it NEEDS to be replaced
check that off the list

i love when i find things i had hidden away for the kids
i bought this large roll of color sheets at michaels last summer
landon and mauryn rolled it out and spent some time coloring

while they were busy coloring, i sat down for a few minutes and read
then i fell asleep
a little cat nap on the couch while the kids played clue jr

little miss got a leap pad for her birthday
she loves it!
her favorite thing to do is make videos and watch them
she usually finds a quiet place to watch her videos
the stairway was her place yesterday!
there's my ten!
landon had bb practice last night so after dinner he and lance were off.
morgan usually babysits for our friends small group but they were all sick so she had an unexpected night at home.
the girls and i quick whipped the house into shape and then settled in to watch dance moms.
i am telling you that dance teacher is CRAZY and those moms are CRAZY!
anyone else watch it??

linking up for ten on ten here

ten on ten button

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