
Three words that make me cringe

Bathing suit season.

Why does it have to be so hard to find a bathing suit that fits my almost 35 year old post 3 babies body??

A new bathing suit is a necessity with our vacation coming up next week. I am sure there will be plenty of time spent at the swimming pool and visiting the beach. Shorts and a t-shirt don't really cut it as swimming apparel. 

My last suit has been confiscated by my family (mainly my husband) since it was 6 years old and well it wasn't in very good shape. Yep, I hadn't purchased a bathing suit (except a maternity suit) since June 2002.  Before that I had purchased a bathing suit since our honeymoon in December 1996.  Can you tell how much I dread the process!

Thank you Lands End for having free shipping so I can do this from the convenience of my own home (we know how much fun it is to try things on with kids in the dressing room) and to Sears for taking the returns - you will know me well by the time this process is over.  


  1. i went bathing suit shopping last weekend with a girlfriend (which is better than going with hubby,and 3 kids). i told the teenagers trying on bikini's that i hated them... it made me feel better. we got ice cream at Cold Stone at the end of the day (not before)... we deserved it.

  2. oh how i hate those words :)i have yet to buy one this year and probably will just skip it.

  3. ugh! I'm with you! This didn't used to be so hard. Why does such a tiny amount of material have to be so expensive?!?

    lol at Denise's comment.

  4. Oh, the torture of bathing suit shopping and even worse, bathing suit season. We not only have to purchase the dreaded item, we actually have to wear it...A LOT. Wrong, sick and wrong.

    But if you have to buy a suit, Land's End is a very good place to find one! They're aren't cheap, but well worth the money!

  5. I'm right there with you girl! I actually bought one last year and I hate it already, so I'm off to find another one today! I'm going to Sacramento with my class this week and we swim one night-so I'm really under pressure to find a good one and NOT scar the 4th graders for life! :)

  6. Oh I love the bathing suit I got from Lands End - it fits me perfectly in all the right places. Hope you found one that works!

  7. You know, I've heard great things about the swimming suits from Lands Ends. I too haven't bought one since before having kids...5 1/2yrs ago. Yikes! I'm sure you're so excited for your vacation!
