
Backyard Bonfire

It was a picture perfect spring evening last night. There was a slight breeze and the temperature was mild as the sun was setting.  We were sitting outside lamenting with our neighbors about how it would be the perfect evening to have a bonfire.  

About a month ago, our neighbors friend/daycare provider bought the house across the street and her backyard has a fire pit.  We decided to pack up the kids, ingredients for s'mores, wood, matches, and blankets and surprise our new neighbor by inviting ourselves over for a bonfire.  Of course if Pat and Val didn't know Joan so well we would never have done it!  I think Joan (a recent widow) was grateful for the company and distraction as last night was her first night in her new house alone.    

We got to enjoy a fun part of camping without having to sleep in a tent. The kids had a blast roasting marshmallows and sitting by the fire.  What a fun way to spend the evening!

Thank you Joan for letting us invade your backyard last night and disrupt your quiet evening!

Morgan - the poser (not sure where this comes from)
working on some marshmallows
Landon relaxing by the fire eating his s'more
Mauryn eating some marshmallows
Lance enjoying his s'more


  1. Sounds like such a fun evening! I am sure your neighbor was happy for the welcoming committee.

  2. How fun! I'm sure the kids loved it!

  3. ughhh! smores in the neighbor's backyard! Kristen!!! I LOVE SMORES!
    Why are you making it so hard on me to live in California.
    great neighborhood- check
    running partner- check
    home schooling friend/neighbor- check..check
    loves JESUS- big check
    SMORES- seal the deal!

  4. I know this was a light-hearted post about a fun evening, but my heart goes out to your neighbor. Just sitting here thinking about what it might be like - the first night alone in a house without your husband. Wouldn't it be funny if, for that night, you all were God's grace to her? :)
