The unplanned and spontaneous activities usually lend themselves to the best memories. We had a weekend not long ago that was filled with spontaneous activities and it turned out to be one of the most fun weekends for our kids.
The weekend started with my neighbor Pat and I running in a local half marathon. We got up and out the door at o'crack of dawn as the race started at 7:30 am. Our families were there to cheer us in and greet us at the finish line (he finished about 30 minutes before me). As we were packing up to leave and talking about our plans for the day, we decided to that we should all go to breakfast. We went to a local, little known diner to eat. The food was wonderful. Those little places always have the best breakfasts! As we came into town we realized there was a parade going on for the rodeo which would start on Monday. We sat at a table where the kids could watch for the parade to start. After breakfast we watched the rest of the parade on the street corner and walked around our downtown area for a little while - something we don't ever take the time to do.
On Sunday Morgan, Landon, and our neighbor Amiah decided to make a lemonade stand. They set it up, made signs, and marched up and down the street reeling in costumers for lemonade and popsicles. It was a very hot afternoon but the kids were troopers as they sat outside waiting for business.
To end a fun filled weekend, when the kids woke up from their night of camping out we loaded up and went to the rodeo slack competition (all the cowboys and cowgirls trying to earn a spot in the rodeo). We ate at the Buckaroo Breakfast hosted by the local 4-H club and watched a bit of the slack competition that morning. It is an annual event my kids look forward to every year.
How fun! We are planners, but I also love the last minute fun things too!
My kids love it when I don't have a plan but only intend to spend time with them. Those moments are the best.
Sounds like a full and satisfying weekend!
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