
Advent: Day 5

Lego Star Wars Calendar:

(1) make christmas cards and mail to friends

i set out our christmas craft tub for the kids and they got to work 
using stickers, stamps,
 jewels, colored papers, and
 crayons and markers.

once their cards were finished we mailed them... yeah for good old snail mail!

(2) sponsor another child through compassion

we've been talking about sponsoring another child through compassion for quite some time.  we had just never sat down to pick a child. 

 i thought advent was the perfect time for us to find a child to sponsor.

the kids and i sat down and went through the pages and pages of children. 
we had decided after looking through the pages for sometime that we wanted to pick someone who had been waiting for more than 6 months for sponsorship and they wanted to sponsor a boy {we already sponsor a girl}.
  they made a list {a long list} of all the kids the kids they wanted to sponsor and finally picked a little boy from Brazil.
we can't wait to get to know more about this little boy and send our first letters!

Bible Verse:
But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Galatians 4:4-5


  1. Your kids look so much like you Kristen!!
    EVeryone tells me that mine look like Jake. ;)

  2. I love compassion!! I am so excited that this was your advent today! You are raisin some kids who are going to have huge hearts for God's people!!!

  3. Look at how focused your kids are!! Such a great idea! :) I need to get out my stamp box.

    We sponsor (just learned how to spell that word just now) at an orphanage in El Salvador. We need to write to them! :)

  4. So many great ideas for me to store away...
