
Insta Friday

i am linking up again this week with jeannett over at life rearranged for insta friday.

i love looking back at my iphone photos each week.  photos that don't lend themselves to an entire blog post but fun glimpses into this season of life.

our swing set was in desperate need of some love.
saturday morning dawned sunny and warm so lance and the kids started with sanding the swing set.  
oh how they loved the sanding.
once it was sanded the real fun started... the staining.
there were only four paint brushes so i gladly stood by, took pictures, and gave encouragement!

this little bug is constantly in a dress, wearing a crown, and singing.
the clinched teeth on the picture. well she was still singing and didn't want to take time to smile for a picture because i was interrupting her song. priorities!
sunny sunday afternoon, a blanket, a book, and a diet dr. pepper with cherry.
a slice of heaven!

first bonfire of the summer + s'mores = happy kiddos

 she finally could reach the small drinking fountain on her tip toes
she was so proud

for the past month or so we have had this rattling when we run our garbage disposal.
i have dug around in the sink trying to find what might be making the noise and i found nothing
lance tried digging in the sink to find what was making the noise and he found nothing
we started to think it was broken and we needed to get it fixed.
the sink was not draining the other day, stuck my hand in, and found that quarter.
lance and i both stuck our hands in the sink numerous times and felt nothing but then one day appears the quarter.
so thankful we found the source of our problem.
we spent an afternoon at the hospital visiting our friends and their fresh from heaven babe
my little ones were so thrilled to get to hold the new babe
nothing sweeter than loving on a new baby {sigh}

mauryn's dance teacher is cute as a button so this was a perfect end of the year gift for her
idea found here
a stray easter egg hiding in the kids' kitchen

mauryn got her costume for her recital
excitement level was through the roof
the costume is now put safely away until recital day

snacks, movies, treats, sunscreen, lunch supplies
time for road trip 2011

life rearranged


  1. Love the s'more pic and that stash of snacks looks super yummy too! Have a fun roadtrip!

  2. I love your pics! My middle daughter pretty much always has a dress on too, she loves being girly! Sitting outside with a Sonic drink and book sounds wonderful! Have fun on your trip :)

  3. Awesome! I hope you have a GREAT time on your road trip! So excited for you and wish I was coming!

  4. OH MY GOSH!!!! You and I have the same big market tote with the black/white polka dots!!

    That confirms this friendship is solid!!!

  5. getting ready for a road trip in a couple of weeks and have all my Thirty-One stuff ready to pack! love it!

  6. Visiting from LifeRearranged...yeah for roadtrips!

  7. Love your little in-a-dress/crown princess. Can't wait for a vacation update post!
