
Finding Joy - Week 10

this has been sitting in my drafts since tuesday. behind much..aah its been a busy week but here we go:

The joys:
* a weekend with nothing on our calendar... big JOY

* with nothing on the agenda we took the kids to see Yogi Bear at the dollar theater. they have been waiting since Christmas to see this movie.  
* pajama night at awanas
* our college kids were on spring break so we had a free sunday night.  as much as we love having them in our house each sunday night it was a nice treat to have a quiet sunday night.

* mauryn giving her dad a back rub. "breafe in, breafe out"
* mauryn's shoes of choice
* landon's wake up call... harley dog
* my boy finishing school diligently to earn a sticker on his work chart... almost to dinner at mcdonalds - his fav
* sunday brunch. we were given a gift card last year that was about to expire so we finally used it this past weekend.  what a treat.

* my boy helping to make dinner
* sunshine, warm weather, and bike ride
* my niece is coming to visit this weekend.  so excited to see her and glad she is choosing to spend her college spring break with us.

* i am going to attend my first blogging conference next fall. ticket is purchased.  so looking forward to spending a weekend with her, getting to meet her, and hanging out with her and her {and getting to hear them speak :o) }


  1. maybe if i come into some $$$$ i can tag along too in the fall...

    a girl can dream.


  2. I found joy in knowing you really went to The Brick last weekend! What did you really think?

    And a blog conference....that's fabulous for you {and me cause then you'll have more to teach me}!

  3. So Happy for you and the blogger conference! That is awesome!

    Love restaurant gift cards!

  4. the first "her" is super duper excited to spend a weekend with YOU too (that is what i am the mostest excited about.

    i need to get with the joy and post some too!
