
Coeur d'Alene

When Morgan first started gymnastics there was one meet that the parents of older girls recommend attending - The Great West Gym Fest.

Two years ago, we drove up as a family and spent a whirlwind weekend in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. We were not disappointed with the organization of the meet or the activities that were available for the gymnasts and their families.

Last year, the schedule of the meet did not allow for us to attend {they had Morgan competing on a Monday afternoon}.

This year, we have been looking forward to a return trip to Coeur d'Alene. Morgan has been counting down the days since the beginning of the gymnastics season.

With Landon playing basketball and Lance coaching his team, Morgan and I took a girls weekend trip. We had a great weekend, very busy but so much fun.

Morgan and I flying over Idaho... it was a very clear day and so interesting to check out the topography.

One of the most exciting things about the GWGF is that they bring in former Olympic athletes. During Morgan's session, 2004 Olympic gymnast and NCAA champion Courtney Kupets handed out the awards. Morgan was over the top excited! Courtney was so sweet and gave a great talk to the girls about being part of a team. I was very impressed with her.
Morgan had to be at the gym at 7:30 am and by the time the meet and awards ended it was early afternoon. We had some hungry girls {and moms}! We found a cute little restaurant next to our venue to have lunch. They had an option for the girls to make their own pizzas.
The one thing Morgan was looking forward to all weekend was the ice cream social with the Olympic gymnasts. This year instead of it being in a conference room at the hotel, we had a boat cruise on Lake Coeur d'Alene. The girls have the opportunity to get autographs from the former Olympic gymnasts and ask them questions. It is such a neat experience for them. The boat cruise was wonderful.... the views around the lake are amazing and the weather was perfect!

If our Saturday hadn't been full enough with the meet and the boat cruise, we attended an evening event called the Big Show. This is where they take the top girls from the upper levels and they get to perform. There were two girls from Morgan's gym who made it to the big show. It was exciting to watch them and the little girls were so proud of them.

Before the big show started, the Olympic gymnasts were having a little fun - a boys against girls competition. This is Courtney Kupets doing a little tumbling on a floor.

Courtney Kupets at GWGF from Kristen Cheney on Vimeo.

Although it was not a restful weekend, we had a great time. We are looking forward to next year.


  1. Isn't Coeur d'Alene beautiful? Most of my relatives live there or in surrounding towns. We went there in '94 and I've wanted to go back ever since.

  2. fun memories made together just the tow of you are so important.

    i have heard that couer d' alene is beautiful. i've heard bass lake is similar.

  3. What a great experience. So glad you were able to do this together. Is going to the Olympics a dream for Morgan?
