It's November which means it is time for the Thankful Challenge.
For the past two years I have kept a list of things I am thankful for each day during the month of November. It is a great way to slow down, step back, and focus on giving thanks.
Two years ago, I had my kids write down (or tell me and I would write) on slips of paper each day what they were thankful for and then on Thanksgiving Day we read our slips of paper.
This year I wanted to do the slips of paper again with my kids. It makes the activity more tangible and we can go back and see what we were thankful for during the month. Today when I was reading over at incourage I saw this idea. I LOVED it!
There was a link to a darling chart made out of felt and fabric. I had visions of creating a similar thankful chart BUT since it is already November 2nd, I have daughters with birthdays next week and parties, and I am headed out of town this weekend I decided to not add the undo stress and let the kids (landon and mauryn did it since morgan wasn't at home) help create a poster.
(i am hoping to make a permanent chart for next year)
Each night at dinner, we record what we are thankful for and store the card on the chart. I love that we can go back to any day and remember what we were thankful for on that day.
Are you ready to join in on the thankful challenge??

I am so glad you posted this website. The giving thanks challenge was a blessing last year and I searched the net but couldn't find it this year.
Glad you're joining in again! It's bound to be a great month! =)
~ Leah
What a sweet way to keep track of those things that you are blessed with - just wonderful. Sharing 30 days of blessings with you☺
I saw this on her website too and thought, "what an awesome idea." I don't think I'll have time to make it for this year, but trying to figure out a way to incorporate this for our November.
I'm copying like I did last year! I don't think I'll be as movtivated to put up the wall thing but I'm going to post my Thankfulness! I love your idea though!
Hi...just stopped in from thing we used to do on Thanksgiving was have everyone write one thing they were thankful for about each person at the table. We put the slips into bags the kids had decorated to look like turkeys and you got your bag on your chair at was really encouraging to read what others had to say.
Enjoy this month of Thanksgiving!
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