
Trying To Make It Home

An inversion + lights not working on the runway= an overnight in Portland Oregon with three tired kids (one who is vomiting) and one tired mama.  Please pray the weather breaks up, the lights are working and we can make it home this afternoon.

I am thankful we had beds to sleep in, overnight kits provided by the airline, a free breakfast, and a hot shower - even if we are all in the same clothes as yesterday. I am also very thankful for the kind passengers and airline personnel who were so willing to help me as I traveled alone with the kids. It was definitely a blessing!

Pictures, updates, stories, and some blog TLC coming soon!


  1. holy cow - what a trip. you have a great attitude about it - i'm impressed.

  2. WOW! You are now truly super mom! I'm praying for you guys and safe travels. Keep your chins up, you're almost home.

  3. What is an inversion?? Doesn't sound pleasant. =( So sorry to hear your travel woes, but am thankful that there are still good people who are kind to strangers. Hopefully this will help you cherish your home and husband even more! =)

  4. you were traveling alone with sick kids!!!
    i'm sorry.

    look forward to pix when your ALL better.

  5. Glad to hear you made it finally! I was relieved to hear you got a shower and some food as I visualized you with a sick girl and 2 more kids all just hangin in the airport all day. I bet you were thrilled to be home! I missed you!

  6. oh, kristen... i am so, so very sorry that this happened to you! i hope you make it home soon

  7. Oh girl, that is rough!!! Traveling with three kids is hard enough let alone VOMIT! That is just wrong! Hope your time with family was sweet and relaxing to more than make up for these setbacks.

  8. Hopefully by the time you read this you are back safe. I've missed your blog and look forward to hearing about your trip. So sorry about the layover. This will be a post-Thanksgiving to remember, I suppose!

  9. We did the throwing up thing while traveling as well. Good times. Hope everyone is feeling better now!

  10. Oh Kris, that sounds like it was an awful trip home. I hope that you finally made it and that everyone is feeling better. It was great to see you when you were in MN. -Lisa

  11. Oh Kristen, I'm so sorry to hear that you had to go through all that. Hope the sick one is better and looking forward to mroe stories!
