
His First 10 K

Last spring, Lance and I increased our life insurance. In order to get our rates we had to have a "mini" physical.  When our results came back in, it showed that Lance had high cholesterol.  

From that moment on, Lance became determined to get in better physical shape, drop a few pounds, and lower his cholesterol.  

He started to run 3 or 4 days a week. He has done this before, gotten on a health kick, but then after a few weeks he would stop running. I was supporting him in his efforts but I honestly didn't think he would stick with it. 

So I bought him the jumbo size box of Cheerios at Cost.co. I thought it would be a better method of lowering his cholesterol.

He has been determined and has continued on his running regimen since May. So for his birthday gift, our neighbors signed him up for a 10k race last weekend.  

His first official race. 

He did awesome.  The kids were so excited to be there to cheer him on as he came into the finish.  Our neighbor Val ran in the race as well, she did a great.  We are so proud of both of them for sticking with running and finishing their race.

Way to go Lance and Val!


  1. I continue to be impressed with your family's discipline and committment to fitness and your overall health! Good job Lance (and you too Kristen - 13 miles on Sunday and still coming to FPU!)

  2. OK...the Cheerios comment made me smile! I would have done the same thing and called it good.

  3. go lance! it's such a sense of accomplishment. good for him.

  4. Congratulations Lance - what a great accomplishment.

  5. Awesome job, Lance! I'm thinking about a 5K, but would rather do like a 2 or 3K ;-)
