
Pinatas+Gingerbread Houses+Candle Making=Fun Day

On Tuesday we met with another homeschool family to work on some Christmas activities. We both belong to the same on line coop and our last unit of the semester was Christmas. The first thing we did was to decorate gingerbread houses made from those great kits at Costco. The kids were so focused on the decorating, especially the older ones. While the gingerbread houses were being decorated, we had wax melting on the stove top to make candles. I had never made candles before and was excited to go through the process. It really wasn't very hard.
Morgan and I are looking forward to making candles again. It was really fun!
Our final activity of the day was to break open a pinata. Our intentions were to have the pinata outside, but it rained so we had to improvise and do it inside. It worked out pretty well. It was so fun to watch the excitement and pure joy of the kids. I was impressed with how fair they were in taking turns and making sure everyone had even amounts of candy and toys from the pinata.
The kids worked and played together wonderfully. It was nice for me to be able to spend time with a friend, to visit, to share ideas/thoughts on homeschooling, parenting, and life. It was a much needed day for all of us to get out and do some fun Christmas things as we wind down to Christmas break.


  1. very fun! we have had to go at a pinata inside on more than one occasion.
    the kids and i are calling it quits early on school work to take a few days to do holiday crafts.
    we'll be making graham cracker houses :-)

  2. That candle thing looks great! I must admit I have never done a pinata in the house...it looks like great joy, though!

  3. This looks like a really fun day, Kristen. Getting together with another mom, and learning how to make candles? Letting your kids get a little crazy and doing a pinata inside?

    I'm happy that you had such a fun Christmasy day. :)

  4. How fun that all looks. My oldest son had a pinata at his last birthday party & it was fun, but dangerous..especially blindfolded. Enjoy..sounds like you are having lots of fun with your kiddos. Merry Christmas.

  5. what a fun time together. I've always wanted to make candles too. Did you add a scent to them? You'll have to share with us how to make them.
