I was not a girly girl.
I didn't play with dress up, with barbies, or baby dolls. I didn't wear dresses and skirts often, mostly just to church or on special occasions.
Morgan is not a girly girl. She is more comfortable in jeans or sweats {actually she is most comfortable in a leotard} than a dress or skirt. She didn't play with dolls when she was younger. She took more interest in coloring, reading, and playing games. The extent of her being a girly girl is that she likes to have her fingernails painted and wear lip gloss.
When Mauryn came along I expected that she would be similar to her sister in her "girliness" {is that a real word??}
Boy was I wrong! This little spit fire is a girly girl.
She loves to play dress up,

I especially love how Mauryn has to take lip gloss "breaks" on Sunday mornings to refresh her lip gloss :) She is a doll and I enjoy her so much!
Precious, precious girl!!! I love how they each have their own little personalities.
sweet mauryn.
reminds me of josie, with her big personality.
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