Over the past four years, we have seen a lot of this:

So we decided to do this to the fence between our yards :

We have the swing set and they have the fire pit:

The other night we collected supplies:

(if you have never tried a s'more with a twix - do it. you will never go back)
Lance and his buddy Coop

the kids roasting marsmallows

Landon figured out how to roast the marshmallows without having to hold the stick

the kids hanging out in the hammock at the end of a very fun evening

Oh, so lovely! You are truly THE BEST neighbors in the whole wide world (and the best friend too)!
Looks like a very fun evening! The temps have been cool enough here the last week that we could enjoy a fire, too. Next time you make S'mores, you'll have to try one with a Reese's PB Cup. =)
What fun! Your neighbors have a great fire pit. It must be nice to have such amazing neighbors!!!
gotta try the twix thing. makes me miss you!
Ah, but have you ever tried a Smore with saltines instead of Graham crackers? Try it, you'll like it!
What great back yards!! I think we need to see them in person! We always do PB cups with our smores but now you got me wanting to branch out with the twix!! I wonder what other candy bars we could use?? humm........
Great neighbors who are also great friends are rare and wonderful. What a fun night.
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