Halloween Highlights:
- trick or treating
- warm weather - no coats, hats or mittens needed
- getting to see and enjoy costumes because it was so warm
- seeing neighbors on their porches handing out candy and visiting with the kids
- watching how excited our older neighbors were to see all the kids
- hearing Mauryn's sweet "tick or teat"
Morgan: Boise State Fan
(it is getting harder each year to find appropriate costumes for girls in the 8-12 year range, but we did get a few ideas for next year -phew)
Landon: Swash buckling pirate
Mauryn: Chicken
Getting ready to go
Trick or treat
Off to find more "cannies"
My bag is getting a little heavy
The pirate seems to be loosing his costume as we go along
Landon, Cowgirl Amiah (neighbor), Morgan, Cowboy Cooper (neighbor), Mauryn - we tired poor baby Cooper out!
Hope you all had a wonderful night of trick or treating!

Looks like you had a fun evening! The kids are dressed so cute! Glad it was a nice night to be out.
Happy November!
Tick or Teating for cannies is the best!
SOOO FUN! This is what builds memories. I'm glad your family had fun. How was your costume party? I hope there will be pictures of that!!!
Very cute costumes! I need to get my trick or treat pictures downloaded...I'm such a slacker!
Such cute costumes. Looks like lots of fun had by all.
so cute!! it looks like they had fun!
I am not looking forward to that age when the costumes get too adult! BUT, they kids look adorable and it looks like they had a great time!
love the creative costume for morgan! and the little chicken is adorable :)
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