As part of my teacher education program in college, I had to take a public speaking class. I do not enjoy public speaking in any form. This class was painful. Painful. I dreaded every. single. moment of that class.
I celebrated when that semester ended, hoping I would never have to do any type of public speaking again (besides standing in front of 5 and 6 year olds).
Last week, our pastor approached Lance and asked him if we would give a stewardship talk in church. My reaction, as you can imagine. was NO! Absolutely not. There was no way I was getting up in front of church, both services, to talk about stewardship (specifically tithing).
As my husband gently reminded me we are called to step out of our comfort zone and do things that might make us squirm a little.
I finally agreed to do the stewardship talk. Then I began to feel sick to my stomach, I couldn't sleep, and I was completely anxious for the next few days anytime I thought about it. I prayed I wouldn't pass out in front of the church. Or fall down the stairs. Or vomit.
Last night as we entered church for our Financial Peace class (more on that later), a woman approached us. She had tears her eyes and proceeded to tell us how that day her husband went home, worked on their budget and put in a tithe for the first time. It is an act of faith for their family because on paper the ends are not necessarily going to meet. I am praying that God will bless them abundantly this month so they can see the fruits of being faithful.
We almost didn't share our story because of my fear of public speaking. Because I didn't trust that God would use us or give us the words to tell our story and touch lives. I am thankful we had this opportunity. I am thankful for the lesson I learned in stepping out of my comfort zone. I am thankful for being humbled.

good for you, kristen. i'm glad you did. its hard to be in front of big groups.
I am proud of you! It blessed me! Have a great day!
That is just awesome, Kristen. And, to see that a family was blessed and their lives changed because of you - very humbling indeed. I love hearing stories of how God uses our weaknesses to bring glory to Himself! Good for you for stepping out.
way to go - that is awesome. incredible how God uses us even when we don't think it is possible, isn't it?
and yay for FPU. you'll have to let me know what you think about it. we did it a couple of years ago and really liked it.
I am clapping for you! Bravo.
And the big clap is for what God is going to do!
Your experience was not only humbling for you but such a humbling testimony for me. I am so proud of you. Standing up ther in front of the entire church took so much courage, and I know how scary it is. I admire you for your obedience to God and setting such a great example by being able to step outside of your comfort zone...Thank you and can i just say, that you looked great doing it too!!
To get out of your comfort zone (public speaking of all things) and share such a personal thing such as stewardship is very faithful thing of you to do.
God works in amazing ways and he knew that there were people like Lance and you that can share such a story that would bring another family to put deeper faith into Him.
We've had a wonderful time at FPU and have learned so much about ourselves, the Lord and our faith. Thank you for inviting us to your church. you and FPU have been blessings to us.
Woo Hoo! God is SO good! I love that you saw such quick results after being faithful to Him.
i want to hear more about your financial peace class.
and way to go!
may many be encouraged by your testimony.
First of all, praise God that He called and you answered - ministering to others for Him. That's awesome, Kristen.
Secondly, this story could not be more timely for me. I also have a fear of public speaking and just today someone from church called to ask me to speak in front of our MOPS group. Your post, to me, is God speaking to my very situation.
Thank you for being available to God. It seems He is speaking to the hearts of many involved in FPU and others in His church. It is wonderful be used of God where He is already at work.
Awesome, Kristen! God is faithful and so good! I know he will bless your friends at church for stepping out in faith!
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