I am climbing up on a small soapbox.
One I haven't ever climbed on before because it hadn't really affected my life. It had been there in the periphery but not something that had touched this close to home. My attitude towards it was well... lackadaisical. It seemed so far off, until I realized I am now in my (gulp) mid thirties and these things need to be a priority.
Reality comes fast when it affects three friends (two my age) in my life in the last month. Three women in one month.
Three women who through self examinations found lumps in their breasts. Three women who took the initiative to see their doctors and get a diagnosis. One of these women was diagnosed with breast cancer. The other two are having further tests done this week.
So, ladies we need to be diligent about going to our yearly exams as much as we dread them. We need to be diligent about doing self examinations. As busy as we all are with little ones at home or jobs or just life, we need to take the time to take care of ourselves and be aware of any signs our bodies are giving us.
Okay, stepping down off the soapbox now. I will return to regular blog programming tomorrow!

went last year.. had a scare, but am good.
being in my 30's has been a medical ugghh for me. i find in many discussions i sound like a cranky 80 yr old who's falling apart. i'm 34!
i miss the good ol' days, in my 20's.
i pray for your friend, for healing, and God's grace upon grace.
Thank you Kristen.
I hope they caught your friend's breast cancer early enough. This is a good reminder that breast cancer doesn't just happen to "old people". I know it is hereditary and it runs in my family but I need to be more proactive than I have been. You writing about this is an important and maybe life saving "soapbox".
Well said, Kristen. Thank you for saying it! After my doctor discovered pre-cancer cells in 2 previous annual exams of the nether regions, I could not whole-heartedly agree more. Had I waited, I could've had to face cancer myself.
amen sister. I have a twenty somthing friend who found a lump during pregnancy and had to have it removed. scary....
praying for your friends.
such an important, but scary topic. i was amazed to learn that 1 in 7 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime!
last year i walked in the susan g. komen race for the cure and i am excited to be doing it again this year. it was amazing to be among 15000 people walking to help find a cure.
i agree with you 100%... i am soo sorry to hear about your friends I hope they are ok..
I am walking the Avon Breast cancer walk this weekend.. i raised 1800$ for it.. (that was the min to raise!)
Be Diligent & Rock on!
You are SO right about this. I hate going...but, it is SO, SO important.
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