Last winter, our sweet friend Katie came to babysit our kids one evening and recorded a song with them using garage band on my macbook (i heart my mac). It was so sweet and the kids thought it was very cool to have made a song.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago, as I am getting out of the shower I hear Landon pounding on his drum set (mom have we thanked you recently for that drum set). As I come over to talk to him about not beating on his drums I notice the macbook sitting by the drums. The macbook which he had unhooked, carried up to flights of stairs, and had now set on the floor next to him.
When he finishes playing, I ask him what he was doing. He nonchalantly tells me he is recording a song on rock band (otherwise known as garage band). Obviously he paid close attention to Katie Wilson when she recorded their song. He knew exactly what to do in order to make a recording and adjust settings. I was amazed! Of course I was so amazed (and cracking up at how serious he was about this whole deal) that I didn't get a video or a picture.
That is until last week, when he decided to make another recording. He has some vocal recordings that are quite hilarious that I may try to upload soon. Making songs on the computer is one of his all time favorite activities right now. He asks to make a song every.single. day.
Landon on Garage Band from Kristen Cheney on Vimeo.

I know what I'm getting you for Christmas.... earplugs!! Just as soon as I finish laughing!!!
I think the drums should go to grandma's house the next time she babysits. A (Christian) rock star in the making. ;o)
Oh my gosh, that is SO cute. I mean, yes the noise can be a lot, but so so sweet. Oh and Mauryn dancing at the beginning - precious!
first i need to see you in a video!
noah loves garage band. and i think we have heard a similar sound out of our drums (uh huh, thanks mom).
so you have a drummer, all 3 of mine are pianists, noah is interested in guitar, josie is a vocalist (as you saw from last weeks video blog), and it looks like your little one is a dancer...
we've got a band neighbor!
so do they practice at your place or mine?
Mauryn dancing at the beginning CRACKED ME UP! She is awesome!
If Jack got his hands on a drum set, my ears would be permanently damaged.
Landon's rockin' on his drums, K!
That rocks. Literally!
He's 4? That is amazing that he figured that out.
totally awesome.
we rock out to guitar hero around here, and we've tried rock band at the store, but this is the real thing!
what a hoot. fin would just love to listen to him.
that is so cute! i can't believe he totally set up garage band all by himself. he really looks like a drummer. hmm... fun days ahead when the real garage band takes up residence!
Super cute - and loud :) Mandy had drums out in the garage for a while then we traded up to a keyboard (with earphones) - ahhhhhh so nice. He's actually not bad you know................
haha! landon had great rhythm and talent :) dillon got a drum for christmas – but thankfully it is only a single one that can be put out of reach whenever mommy’s had enough. dillon watched the video with me and is requesting to watch it again and again :)
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