I missed my 200th post! On Friday when I posted the giveaway winners, it was actually my 200th post. I was hoping to do something cute and clever like Denise did for her 100th post. But time (and lack of a great idea) got away from me, so maybe for my bloggy anniversary or my 300th post. Instead of something cute and clever, you get something I saw on Sarah's blog a long time ago but hadn't posted my own version.
Accent: An accent, I don't have an accent. People from Minnesota don't have accents, don't ya know. Ya Ya!
I Don't Drink: Coffee...oh wait I just shared that tidbit on my birthday. For those coffee lovers, I do enjoy the smell of fresh brewed coffee but the taste - UGH! Something new...tea. I don't like tea except a chai tea latte. For something warm I prefer hot chocolate.
Chores I Hate: Are there any chores I really enjoy?? I think it would be washing my kitchen floor. It seems the minute I clean it, it gets dirty again. It is just a never ending job.
Pets: Teagen - 8 year old golden retriever - best dog ever! Chloe - 8 year old cat Cait - 2 year old yellow lab who tests my patience daily
Essential Electronics: My macbook. LOVE IT! I love the convenience of a laptop and I love my iphot0 and imovies features. So fun! By far one of my top electronic purchases. Another top essential is TiVo. What was life like before TiVo? The ability to tape shows, especially when I wouldn't remember is wonderful and fast forwarding through commercials - aah so nice!
The other electronic item I use daily is my ipod. I use it when I run and generally have it on most of the day for background noise. Although it is in need of some new music - any suggestions?
Perfume: I am not much of a perfume kinda girl. I have a hard time finding something I really like. I do have a bottle of "Happy" that has lasted me... oh over 3 years. Usually I just wear body splash (warm vanilla sugar) from Bath and Body Works.
Gold/Silver: It was definitely gold when I was younger but as I have gotten older I have definitely jumped ship to the silver team.
Insomnia: When I am pregnant I spend many nights awake, reading or watching TV. It actually got progressively worse with each pregnancy. With Mauryn I was only getting 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night.
Job Title: Chauffeur. Chef. Referee. Maid. Errand runner. Activity planner. Schedule keeper. Disciplinarian. The list keeps going on and on....
Most Admired Trait: The ability to be compassionate, caring, and open minded. To see the good in people before seeing the negative things. To be able to be honest and deliver honesty with love and kindness.
Kids: Morgan (8 1/2) Landon (4) Mauryn (20 months)
Religion: I am a Christian. I grew up in the Lutheran church and attended a Lutheran church until almost 3 years ago when we moved to Idaho. We now attend a Nazarene Church.
Siblings: I have six siblings - four brothers and two sisters. I am number 5 in line.
Time I Woke Up: I woke up to my alarm at 5:00 am.
Veggie I Hate: Mushrooms - they are fungus. Enough said. I am also not a fan of peppers.
Worst Habit: When I get nervous I tend to ramble and repeat myself. I also probably spend too much time on the computer now that I have a laptop. Instead of cleaning around the house I will surf the net, blog, or catch up on email.
My Favorite Meal: I don't know that I have a favorite meal. I am pretty indecisive when it comes to favorite things. The girls I used to teach with would laugh. When we used to go to lunch on workshop days I was predictable in what I would order: club sandwich or french dip. Every. single. time. Although, I haven't had either in a very long time. I have favorite foods like popcorn, chocolate chip cookies, apples, strawberries, tacos, pizza - but not a specific meal.

That was a fun get to know you blog! Happy 200th post!
200th post! congrats. fun facts.
Wow, I remember this little meme. That was a long time ago for sure! I loved these little facts about you because it's the little things that make us who we are. :) Happy 200th post.
Oh, and we may very well have COMPLETELY different taste in music, but I just did a post on music today and listed some songs I like.
You know, this was SO, SO fun to read. I'm so glad you did it.
I love hot chocolate, too!
Oh, the insomnia during pregnancy. UGH. I hear you!
My mother--in-law told me on the phone the other day that I am getting a midwest accent. YIKES.
"I also probably spend too much time on the computer now that I have a laptop. Instead of cleaning around the house I will surf the net, blog, or catch up on email.".....um, yeah. Can totally relate.
Loved the meme. Thanks, again for the giveaway! Happy 201! :) So glad I met you here.
Whew! 200 posts! Awesome. Also your new avitar photo is cool. :)
Thanks for the fun facts! Very cool! Congratulations of 200 posts!
Very fun to read, and I learned several things about you that I didn't know before...pets, 6 siblings (WOW!), and I now know not to add peppers to what I cook for you when you come to visit (I never cook with mushrooms...yuck!). Very fun!
Congrats on your 200th post! I also love Chai Tea Latte and hate cleaning my kitchen floor, and LOVE my Mac!
Do you have the nike thingy for your ipod? a MUST! love it. i just down loaded Big Daddy Weave's new song "What Life Would be Like" so good!
I love my DVR (like tivo) would never go back to watching commercials, NEVER!
love our MAC! Need a new MAC (we have gotten a lot of miles on this one).
You would be so fun to live next door to. stop make'n me like you so much!
and i still want to come for a virtual visit, hear your voice, sit and share a cup of cocoa.
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